What is the Future List?

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The Future List is a curated list of innovative technology companies solving the world’s most valuable problem: climate change.

All companies featured are growing on breakout trajectories, offering employees tremendous opportunity for learning, impact, and upside.

Formerly known as the Cool List.

Why should I join a company on the Future List?

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Because it's a incredible career opportunity.

You'll have the chance to get in at the ground floor of an industry operating in a multi-trillion-dollar market.

This affords rare opportunity for professional growth and financial upside, all while doing impactful, innovative work.

Read more about why you should work in climate.

What does it take for a company to be featured on the Future List?

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We vetted these businesses like investors would. Select criteria include:

• Credible team

• Viable, innovative technology

• Actively hiring, or likely to soon be hiring, for a diverse set of roles

• Addressing an enormous market opportunity

We’ve additionally evaluated their alignment with OneEarth’s Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals (APCAG) climate model.

Who’s behind the Future List, and why should I trust you?

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We’re an independent coalition of investors, engineers, recruiters, environmentalists, and climate technologists.

We care deeply about diverting driven, talented professionals into the most valuable, impactful, innovative industry of the century.

Why you should trust us:

Informed: we’ve read the research cover-to-cover. We have strong ideas about the sectors and companies where impact can be made and value can be created

Data-Driven: we aggregate data from investors, environmentalists, and climate tech experts to identify outstanding companies

Unbiased: we don’t accept payment in exchange for spots on Future List

Proven: we have a track record at making great picks

How do I get my company on the Future List?

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We’d love to meet you and learn about your business.

Drop us a note.

We guarantee a response.

Can I nominate a company to be on the Future List?

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Drop us a note and share a bit about the company you'd like to nominate.

We guarantee a response.